Dab Rig Basics
Posted by Adminfakherstore on

Many cannabis enthusiasts like yourself have recently moved away from traditional dried herbs and have embraced oils and concentrates. Concentrates are popular for many reasons, their purity of flavor and small dosage needed to achieve a powerful effect is among the top reasons for a sea change in the cannabis world. Mastering a glass rig and other dabbing accessories are necessary to enjoy this type of smoking. It requires research and investing in a new way to smoke. There is a large selection of dab rigs out there that feature different levels of complexity.A banger hanger is typically the starting piece for dabbing. It...
How to Start a Pipe Collection
Posted by Adminfakherstore on

WHY A PIPE COLLECTION IS IMPORTANT When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Such is the dilemma with owning a single tool to use with your flower cannabis. I understand people have their reasons to own just one or two smoking or vaping devices. Some people don't have the luxury of living in a legal state so they must be cautious and holding ten bongs isn't exactly under the radar. And I get that having a big collection can be a costly endeavor, but hear me out. Assembling a decent pipe collection doesn't have to be expensive...
What You Need to Know About Cannabis Vaporizers
Posted by Adminfakherstore on

With so many vaporizers and vaporizer companies popping up all over the place in, it can be a tough decision when choosing something new for your collection. There are a couple of things to consider when it comes to finding the right vaporizer to fit your needs. Ask yourself, “how much money am I willing to spend?” “is it for flowers or concentrates?” “do I want this thing to be portable or just something to have at home?" Whatever your needs may be, we have compiled what we consider to be the best handheld and desktop vapes. Desktop Vapes To start it...