Meerschaum Pipe - Indian Chief

Meerschaum Pipe - Indian Chief

  • $23.50
    Unit price per 

Every smoker should own at least one Meerschaum pipe. This 4.5-inch hand-carved Meerschaum pipe called 'Indian Chief' is made in Turkey from authentic Meerschaum, which is a naturally white mineral. Unlike a pipe made of wood, this beautiful pipe with the carved American Indian Chief head on the bowl won't ever burn out. 

As you use this pipe, the Meerschaum bowl will gradually darken to a beautiful hue of brown. This gorgeous pipe will only get better looking the more you smoke from it! The pipe has a comfortably curved plastic mouthpiece that's replaceable. 

The pipe would make a terrific gift for anyone who enjoys finely crafted smoking accessories. Grab one for yourself and another to make someone's day! 

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