Evolution Eclipse Dab Rig with Showerhead Diffuser

  • $159.95
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The Evolution Eclipse Dab Rig is pure sorcery on a whole new level. Just look at this masterpiece! It measures 6.25 inches and is made entirely out of high-quality borosilicate glass with an extra thick round base.

This incredible piece comes equipped with a fixed downstem that doubles as a showerhead percolator. This will ensure your smoke is nicely filtrated and packed with a lot of fun bubbles. And you know what that means - clean, big hits full of flavor.

The rig comes with a bunch of goodies. The 14.5 mm male joint is complemented with a female 14.5 mm vapor dome, a quartz nail and banger, and a female 14.5 mm herb bowl with a handle. It is truly an astounding work of art that will take care of your concentrates and dry herbs. The neck and mouthpiece are bent to keep you safe from potential splashes and nasty bong water.

This amazing rig is available in various color accents, including apple green, light blue, orange, purple, yellow, black, and white. Breathtaking! 

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