Cyclones Natural Hemp Pre-Rolled Cone Blunt Wrap w/ Dank 7 Tip

  • $1.50
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Cyclones are a cone style pre-rolled blunt wrap that allows for your tobacco to taste the same from beginning to end. Cyclones' new natural hemp cones are made with no tobacco, no nicotine and made with non-GMO ingredients. At the beginning of the cone more tobacco is being burned and continues to lessen with each drag. Therefore, as your tobacco becomes stronger you smoke less and less of it. These Cyclones features a wooden tip that has been soaked for 7 days and are re-useable

  • Natural Pure Hemp Cones
  • Contains No Tobacco, No Nicotine
  • Triple Dip Flavoring System
  • Airtight Tube, No Licking Needed
  • Re-useable Dank 7 Wooden Tip
  • Several Flavors Available
  • Packing Tool Included
  • Cones/Pack: 1

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